Skilljar Blog

The Guide to Customer Lifecycle Training [Free eBook]

Written by Sarah Southerland | December 31, 2014

Calling all content marketers, training managers and customer success executives who are interested in improving and expanding your programs. Have you considered offering customer lifecycle training?

Companies can use training during each stage of the customer lifecycle as a tool to generate generate leads, onboard customers, and provide ongoing support.

Need help with implementing customer lifecycle training? Our newest eBook takes a look at the customer lifecycle, and shares strategies and case studies about how your company can apply customer training throughout each stage of the lifecycle.

Customer Lifecycle Training

What is the customer lifecycle? We have probably all experienced the cycle as a customer at some point. Specifically, it's the process that a customer goes through as they consider, purchase, and use a product or service.

The 3 stages of the customer lifecycle include:

Stage 1: Lead Generation
Stage 2: Customer Onboarding
Stage 3: Customer Support

Customer lifecycle training is a strategy that a company can use to offer training to customers at each stage of the customer lifecycle. Training is a valuable tool for garnering initial awareness, assisting customers with their initial launch, and encouraging repeat business. 

Want to learn more about customer lifecycle training, and how your company can benefit from offering it? Download our free eBook.

Download Free eBook