Skilljar Blog

5 Tips to Boost Participation In Your eLearning Course

Written by Erynn Williams | November 10, 2016


Picture this: You are a training manager, and you have been working for months creating a comprehensive customer onboarding course online. After one month of your course being active, your analytics report shows that about half of the customers are dropping out of the training after the third module. Why are they leaving before the training is complete? Have they lost interest in your product, or just your online course?

Here are 5 tips to boost ongoing participation in your eLearning course.

  1. Make sure that your lessons are not too long: Your customers have jobs and other responsibilities too. They don’t usually have time to sit and complete a half-hour long product training, no matter how useful and valuable the content might be. Breaking a 30 minute lesson up into 3, 10 minute “bite-sized” modules (AKA microlearning) will boost participation because it is less daunting to complete and more flexible for busy schedules.

  2. Replace long texts with short and concise bullet points: It is no secret that most human beings have short attention spans. The odds of a customer opening up a training module that has 3+ lengthy paragraphs and reading it all the way through are slim. Bullet points are attention grabbing and draw the reader’s eyes to the key points without being wordy enough to get cluttered and confusing.

  3. Replace words with images: We have all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words, and that motto may be truer in the training industry than anywhere else. Instead of making a lengthy list of steps, include a visual diagram or flowchart.

  4. Replace instruction with demonstration: When it comes to customer training, using videos to demonstrate the instruction rather than having customers read long documents can be much more effective at maintaining attention.

  5. Make the purpose of the training clear: When the customers are unsure about why the training is necessary or beneficial to them, they are less likely to stick it out through the entire thing. Begin the training with a short list of course objectives, which will make it clear exactly why they need the training and how it will benefit them, making them more motivated to participate.