New Feature: Course Credits


By on December 10, 2014 | 1 minute read 282

With our newest addition to course settings, instructors can define the number of credits that a course is worth. This provides specific insight into the quantitative value that learners will gain from a course. This feature is especially important for the following training examples:

  • course hours for Continuing Education courses
  • course credits for state or court-mandated training
  • course points for any type of training utilizing gamification

To manage this setting, instructors can define the type of value that a course is worth, like credits or hours for example. They can also set the number of credits that a course is worth.


These values display on the course certificate issued upon completion, as well as each learner's profile page. You can verify the credits I received for completing Skilljar's Success Metrics for Online Training course by visiting this verification link:


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