New Feature: Invite Admin Users


By on April 20, 2015 | 1 minute read 337

We've got another new feature for you! With our newest feature, you can easily invite new admin users to your dashboard to view analytics, as well as manage training. 

Companies oftentimes have more than one trainer or instructional designer collaborating on training materials. Additionally, some companies need to share learner analytics with other parties, but may want to limit dashboard access to analytics only, and only for a select group of trainees. This new feature makes it easy to set up new admin users with the level of access to your dashboard that you define. 

You can send users invitations to your dashboard based on the level of access you'd like that user to have. The different roles available to assign an admin user are:

  • Organization Admin - this role provides full access to the entire dashboard.
  • Analytics Manager - this role provides analytics-only access, for all trainees.
  • Groups Manager - this role provides analytics-only access, for a select group of trainees only.


The user will recieve an email with a unique link to use for activating their account. Once they activate their account, they will be able to log into your organization's dashboard using the login credentials that they set up, and access features based on their assigned role. 

We hope you find this feature helpful with managing your dashboard and training! Any questions? Leave us a comment below.

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