Skilljar Blog

Key Takeaways from the Learning Solutions Conference and Expo

Written by Linda Schwaber-Cohen | April 5, 2017

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend eLearning Guild's Learning Solutions Conference and Expo in Orlando. Session topics ranged from program design and project management to technology, content creation techniques, course development, and data and analytics. There was an equally large variety of professionals at the conference, from Instructional Designers, to Training Managers and Directors, to LMS admins.

Continue reading for my key takeaways:

The keynotes were fantastic this year. What particularly struck me was Glen Keane’s session, “Harnessing Creativity in a Time of Technological Change.” Glen Keane is the animator behind some of our favorite Disney characters, like Ariel from The Little Mermaid and Beast from Beauty and the Beast. Throughout his career, he has watched his industry change dramatically. I loved hearing about how he embraced technology and change, and his contribution to that change. This is applicable to the training industry as well, where innovation is slowly creeping in and changing the way we do things. His message was a reminder to continuously invest in my knowledge and understanding of new technology in the space.

I presented at the conference, and my session, “How to Motivate Customers to Complete Training,” focused on designing a training program around incentives and creating an accessible training experience for customers. Some of the incentives we discussed were badging, continued education credit and promotions. It was great to share ideas with the attendees and hear what tactics they were using to motivate their customers. It was interesting how many of these techniques are applicable to the internal training use case, as well.

One thing that stood out during my conversations with other attendees was the large degree of variation among training department structures. This was true within training departments, and on the company level. There really is no standard answer to the question, “Where does training live in your company?”

The conference was a great opportunity to meet other training professionals, participate in interesting discussions and get my winter dose of sunshine in Orlando. Hope to see you next year at Learning Solutions 2018!