Time on Site Analytics Launch


By on November 5, 2014 | 2 minute read 528

We are very excited to announce our newest reporting features have launched. Data is becoming increasingly important as trainers look for more ways to measure their training's impact. With the newest reporting enhancements, you can now view time on site analytics for your courses. This advanced reporting provides insight into total engagement with your training program, as well as the granularity you need at course, lesson, and even user levels.

The new report in the anayltics section of the dashboard calculates the time on site for users accessing your courses. The time on site report provides data on the amount of session time users have spent accessing training in your selected timeframe.  


View session time by course, lesson, and user for a deeper look into engagement. Time on site reports at the lesson level include both total session time and median session time for a multi-faceted look at lesson engagement.

Time on site reports at the student level show both total student session time, as well as session time by lesson.



As a crucial indicator of user engagement, time on site metrics are valuable for understanding your training program's impact. The amount of time trainees spend accessing your training is one of the key metrics for measuring your training program's ROI. The more time that trainees engage with your content, the more invested they are in your company. Ultimately this impacts your company's overall success, as trainees increase their expertise in and/or their satisfaction with your company.

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