Agile is an organizational process successfully used by many software development teams around the world. Many training teams are looking at using agile principles for developing learning content, but the industry has been generally slow to adopt this methodology. Why? Read on to learn more!
First, what is the agile process? While traditional "waterfall" methods involve formal sequential handoffs between business, product, design, development, and QA, "agile" follows an iterative approach where feature priorities and requirements are revisited in short sprint timelines (often 2-4 weeks). This enables teams to quickly incorporate feedback, changes, and unanticipated requirements. Many software teams prefer using the agile process, since there is less upfront planning overhead, and the product can be refined via iterative feedback and testing to better meet the desired goals of the project. (Note: at Skilljar, we use the kanban model, which is a variation of agile organized by continuous workflow rather than discrete sprints.)
Agile can be applied to many situations. In construction management, using techniques like design-build can save time and money over a traditional contractor bidding process. In sales, doing quick iterative rounds of prospecting and outreach can accelerate learning and generate continuous small improvements. However, agile is not ideal in scenarios where projects must be clearly defined upfront and ongoing stakeholder collaboration is difficult - for example, hardware projects that have complex design and manufacturing requirements and can't be easily corrected once in production.
In the learning industry, the equivalent of waterfall is called ADDIE, which is an instructional design model that stands for Analysis-Design-Development-Implementation-Evaluation. The content developer moves linearly through each phase, with defined deliverables at each stage of the project. In recent years, there has been more industry buzz around agile practices, or rapid prototyping, where trainees and clients have the ability to provide feedback and changes along the way (or arguably, in perpetuity!).
While agile seems like a very beneficial approach, it has yet to be widely adopted in the training industry. Here are 4 reasons why we believe that's the case:
To conclude, we believe agile principles have great potential to change how content developers launch and iterate on training courses. Just as the migration from installed to cloud has accelerated innovation in the software industry, the adoption of modern learning management systems like Skilljar will help training teams more quickly create and iterate on content as their needs evolve.
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