Is your LMS ready for Google's mobile changes?

By on November 18, 2014 | 2 minute read 577

Google announced today that "mobile friendly" labels will now be added to mobile search results (read the official announcement here). In addition, industry experts believe that mobile readiness will soon be factored into the ranking algorithm for search results (article here).

At Skilljar, we've prioritized a mobile responsive learning experience from Day 1. I'm happy to say that all training portals powered by Skilljar are passing Google's Mobile test!

4588410548_6ae6c90bc1Photo Credit: atmtx via Compfight cc

Unfortunately, many training organizations use learning management systems (LMS) and authoring tools that are years behind in terms of mobile support. For example, Flash content is not commonly supported on mobile, and Google specifically calls this out as a negative factor. If organic search (SEO) drives traffic to your training courses, now is a great time to look for a mobile-friendly LMS and improve your learning experience.

We've checked common LMS solutions with Google's mobile friendly tool (located here). Here are the results as of November 18, 2014:

LMS Site Checked Passes Google Mobile Test?
Skilljar Yes
Cornerstone OnDemand No
Litmos No
LearnUpon No
Oracle Taleo Learn No
ViewCentral No
MindFlash No
Docebo No


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