Creating a Customer Training Strategy: Objectives


By on January 17, 2017 | 1 minute read 381

pexels-photo-207709.jpegWe recently released our new eBook How to Create a Customer Training Strategy, and gave you a small peek at Why Your Organization Needs a Customer Training Strategy. Today's post is about the next step in the strategizing process: listing your objectives.

The difference between goals and objectives is that goals are usually lofty, idealistic aspirations, while objectives are measurable and based on data-driven projections of what you can expect to come from your new customer training program. The purpose of setting objectives is to set metrics to measure the success of your training program.   

If your organization has previously launched a customer training program, look at the analytics and figure out what worked well and what didn’t. Did video lessons have higher completion rates than PDFs or eBooks? Did certain subject matters have more views than others? Use that data to a) design your training to appeal to the most customers and b) map your objectives based on how similar lessons performed previously.   

If you’re starting from scratch, research other companies in your industry with customer training programs and find out as much as you can about how their training performs. If you’re going to be using an LMS like Skilljar for your training, work with them to see what kind of data they have on customer training participation and completion rates. Most LMS companies will have some best practices that they can share with you to support maximum customer training participation. That data will be helpful in setting realistic objectives that you can then evaluate later to see if your program was effective.

Want to learn more? Download the full eBook for free by clicking below!  

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