[eBook]: A New Segmentation Model for Customer Onboarding


By on March 27, 2019 | 1 minute read 217

As we’ve transitioned from on-premise software to the cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, we’ve also seen a new emphasis on customer health and its impact on broader company success. Industry data regularly reinforces the strong correlation between effective onboarding and customer health.

A strong customer onboarding program communicates specific value to your users - it  demonstrates why they should care about your product and how it will make their jobs easier. Getting customer onboarding right is a proactive and meaningful way to make a lasting impact on customer engagement, retention, and expansion.

In this eBook, we will show you a new framework for building a customer onboarding program, including how to segment users and drive long-term value and retention through education. Click below to download a copy now. 

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