Meet Brendan Mullan, Sales Development Rep at Skilljar

Skilljar News & Press, Meet Skilljar

By on May 2, 2017 | 1 minute read 436

headshot.jpgWe are very excited to welcome Brendan Mullan to the Skilljar team as a Sales Development Rep! 

Brendan will be in charge of identifying and qualifying new prospect accounts and working alongside the marketing and sales teams to develop opportunities into happy Skilljar clients. He'll be at the front lines of all future customer communication, and he's already made a tremendous contribution to our pipeline.  

Welcome Brendan!

Q: What three words would you use to describe yourself?
A: Genuine, Motivated, Humorous

Q: What’s your favorite place to visit in Seattle?
A: Madison Park – Great food & views 

Q: Tea or coffee?
A: Coffee!

Q: What’s the one thing you can’t live without?
A:  Friends/Family/Community (all in one ;))

Q: What inspires you?
A: The drive to always learn and grow in my career and as a person.

Q: How did you first hear about Skilljar, and what interested you about the company?
A: I heard about Skilljar through a friend. Our conversation instantly sparked my curiosity for the company and its innovative product. After a little digging and conversing with some of the Skilljar team, I knew I wanted to be a part of this growing company.

Q: Describe your last experience with online learning.
A:  Watching hours of home DIY project tutorials on YouTube.

Q: If you were going to offer a course online, what would it be about?
A: How to speak like a “Kiwi” (New Zealander) 101 

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