Meet Chip Cressman, Web Development Engineer at Skilljar

Skilljar News & Press, Meet Skilljar

By on October 6, 2016 | 2 minute read 529

chip_cressman.jpgWe're very excited to welcome our new Web Development Engineer to the team, Chip Cressman! Chip was previously working as a consultant, assisting a variety of clients with their web development needs. At Skilljar, he will be joining the dev team as the primary front-end developer, working on the app, the marketing website (which I'm stoked about), and other web-based initiatives.

Welcome Chip!

Q: What three words would you use to describe yourself?
A: Optimistic, Outgoing, and Tall. Nobody ever asks if I play basketball; is that a dig on my apparent lack of athleticism?

Q: What’s your favorite place to visit in Seattle?
A: Suyama Space. It's a unique gallery in Belltown that specializes in large art installations. It's a wonderful art program that is sadly closing at the end of the year so go before it's gone!

Q: Tea or coffee?
A: Oh man, I drink way too much coffee. I realized my addiction when I tried to stop a few years ago. Whatever, I’m okay with coffee being my drug of choice.

Q: What’s the one thing you can’t live without?
A: Social media. Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook aren't going to check themselves!?

Q: What inspires you?
A: Good design. There is so much bad design in the physical and virtual world I find myself inspired by truly good design.

Q: How did you first hear about Skilljar, and what interested you about the company?
A: My friend Matt works at Skilljar too! Matt sold me on the team and product so I sent him my resume on the spot.

Q: Describe your last experience with online learning.
A: I took a Udemy course to learn Adobe Illustrator. I haven't used Illustrator since finishing the course...

Q: If you were going to offer a course online, what would it be about?
A: I'd offer an online cooking course where I constantly apologize for not following the recipe. "It wants me to add one clove of garlic, but I'm sorry, this dish needs way more garlic in my opinion."

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