Meet Joel Bauer, Sales Development Rep at Skilljar

Skilljar News & Press, Meet Skilljar

By on June 1, 2017 | 1 minute read 425


We are very excited to welcome Joel Bauer to the Skilljar team as a Sales Development Rep! 

Joel is in charge of going after new logos. Working alongside the marketing and sales teams, he qualifies new opportunities that can develop into successful Skilljar clients. He thinks of himself as a hype-man guiding the process of prospect to future customers, and he's off to a fast start contributing to our pipeline.

Welcome Joel!





Q: What three words would you use to describe yourself?
A: Avdenturous, curious, extrovert

Q: What’s your favorite place to visit in Seattle?
A: Paramount Theatre

Q: Tea or coffee?
A: Neither, they both taste gross

Q: What’s the one thing you can’t live without?
A:  People

Q: What inspires you?
A: Creativity and passion

Q: How did you first hear about Skilljar, and what interested you about the company?
A: I heard about Skilljar from Dan McMillan and was interested first in the product, then the management, then the people.

Q: Describe your last experience with online learning.
A:  It felt like I was back in school.

Q: If you were going to offer a course online, what would it be about?
A: How to properly drive a manual transmission sports car.

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