New Feature: Live Trainings Listed on Course Details

Live Training

By on November 2, 2015 | 1 minute read 382

We've been adding lots of new functionality to our Live Training feature, and we're excited to announce the newset addition - the ability to list your live training events on your course detail page!

From your Skilljar training dashboard, you can now select to list your live training events on your Course Detail page. This is a great user experience enhancement, as users can now see the live events you offer even before they register for your course.

What does it look like to the user?

In this example, I've selected to show the Painting 101 and 102 lessons that have two available events each. We list the lesson name (header), event name, and date/timeframe.


Before, users would need to register for your course before they could see your available live training times. Now, you can select on a lesson-by-lesson basis which events you'd like to show on your Course Detail page.

How do I add it?

It's simple! Go to your live training lesson in Course Management, expand Settings to select the "Show on detail page" checkbox, then click "Save Lesson."


We hope you like this new feature enhancement! 

Ready to get started? Click the button below to navigate to Course Management and set up your live training events.

Get Started

Need more info? Click here for step-by-step instructions.

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