At our Pioneer Square office, we like being able to see the rotating food trucks in Occidental Park. We're likely moving soon, and won't have direct line-of-sight into our daily lunch options.
Solution? We've set up a new Twitter feed that automatically alerts us to the daily food trucks available. Subscribe here:
How we did it with zero coding:
- Created a Twitter list of the Pioneer Square food trucks:
- Filtered on "Occidental" or "Pioneer" keywords via Zapier
- Send Tweet to our new Twitter account via Zapier:
- We've also integrated this Twitter account to a Slack channel via Zapier
- Not all the food trucks Tweet their locations
We find Zapier very useful, which is why we've integrated Skiljar's online training platform with Zapier as well. You can automatically send new user enrollments, new course registrations, and new course completions to hundreds of applications in the Zapbook. Learn more here: