We're excited to announce our offical partnership with Marketo LaunchPoint™, the most complete ecosystem of marketing solutions. The technology partnership enables seamless integration of Skilljar's fast-growing customer training solution with Marketo's engagement marketing platform.
Many of Skilljar's customers use Marketo for customer marketing and communications, so this integration is key to creating automated and highly customized nurturing campaigns based on real-time education and certification activity.
Fore more information:
- Marketo Launchpoint page: http://launchpoint.marketo.com/skilljar/2183-skilljar/
- Skilljar blog post: http://blog.skilljar.com/connecting-your-lms-to-marketo
- Skilljar help article: http://support.skilljar.com/hc/en-us/articles/204624144-Sending-data-to-Marketo
Full text of our press release: http://www.marketwired.com/press-release/skilljar-joins-marketo-launchpoint-help-leading-enterprises-scale-customer-training-2086061.htm