Social Media and Millennial Learning Habits

Training, Instructional Design

By on July 7, 2017 | 1 minute read 327


We recently released the eBook "Creating Engaging Training for a Millennial Audience," where we discussed the three main cultural forces that have impacted millennial learning trends. So far, we've discussed the internet and smart technology. Today's post is about social media and millennial learning habits.

A study done by the New Jersey Institute of Technology found that millennials are very efficiency-oriented. This makes sense, since they’ve been using social media since they were young teenagers. Millennials are used to having constant and frequent feedback in a matter of seconds. They post a photo or status update on their profile, and almost instantly they’re getting “likes,” comments, and affirmations from their friends and family. Receiving this feedback on social media lets them know that people care about and appreciate their work.

Similar to social media, eLearning content for a millennial audience should have frequent feedback. If a millennial learner asks a question or requires clarification, they anticipate immediate answers. Millennials like to know they’re on the right track, and dislike feeling as though the content they’re engaging with isn’t applicable to them. Setting clear expectations of learning outcomes, highlighting why the training will benefit them, and allowing them to easily track their progress will make them more likely to stick with the training. Additionally, setting up a feature like a chatroom makes collaboration and quick answers an easier feat to achieve.


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