2017 Trends in eLearning

Training, Creating Content

By on January 24, 2017 | 3 minute read 918

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The eLearning industry is changing as organizations adapt to meet the needs of new students with new expectations. Today, most learners are looking for more than a passive experience; they want to be fully engaged in their training.

So, how will this impact your training team in 2017? Whether you’re planning to invest in new strategies or you’re just curious about what’s buzzworthy in eLearning, we’ve got you covered.

Continue reading to learn about 6 of the top eLearning trends of 2017:

1. Mobile learning

If you hope to engage learners in 2017, your training MUST be mobile-friendly. Think about it this way: your students are already glued to their phones. If your training is available to them on this device, in addition to their tablets and computers, they’ll be able to learn more information, at their own convenience.

Want to take things one step further? Consider creating a mobile app like Duolingo, a platform designed to help users learn foreign languages.

2. Gamification

Gamification is a trending topic -- and for good reason. The primary benefit: motivation. Students are encouraged to complete your courses when you offer incentives, such as a certificate upon completion.

Of course, this isn’t the only way gamification can play into your 2017 training strategy. A few other options include:

  • Point systems
  • Leaderboards
  • Timed challenges 

3. Social learning

Social learning is not a new concept, but it is certainly on the rise. Here’s why. The fact is, many people are not solitary learners. As such, they benefit from the ability to collaborate and connect with others taking the course.

With this in mind, some companies with training programs have begun to integrate blogs, LinkedIn courses, and social media pages into their existing strategies.

4. Video learning

If you haven’t already done so, now may be the time to incorporate video into your training courses. Just think about the popularity of YouTube. More and more people have begun seeking out their own training on this channel when they notice a knowledge gap. And why wouldn’t they? Our brains process videos 60,000 times faster than text, so it’s a natural fit for eager learners (source: Psychology Today).

Still not convinced it’s worthwhile? In a recent study, we found courses with videos have a 51% completion rate, while those without videos were only completed 36% of the time.

5. Microlearning

In the same study, we found courses that took an average of 10-15 minutes had completion rates of 97%! With results like this, it’s no wonder why microlearning is a buzzword in the industry.

For those of you unfamiliar with the term, microlearning is a short, focused learning nugget (often 3-5 mins long or shorter) designed to meet a specific learning outcome (source: eLearning Industry). We predict this trend will only continue to grow, as more Millennials with arguably short attention spans enter the workforce.

6. Augmented Reality  

It remains to be seen how widespread augmented reality will be used in the eLearning industry. But the potential is tremendous, especially in high-risk occupations. For instance, surgeons can use technologies, such as Google Glass and Oculus Rift to hone their skills, without placing patients’ lives at risk.

Keep your eyes on these trends to stay ahead of the curve in 2017.


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