We're excited to announce an update to our Skilljar Zapier triggers! With Skilljar Zapier triggers, you can now track a student's entire training life cycle from sign-up to course enrollment and course completion.
Using Zapier, you can track user activity, manage contacts and automate communication based on different events. Popular platforms on Zapier include: Salesforce.com, Gmail, Google Docs, SurveyMonkey, and many more!
We have improved our Domain Enrollment trigger to include custom sign-up fields, and have added a brand new Course Completion trigger. The Skilljar Zapier triggers we offer are:
- New Domain Enrollment: This is triggered when a user signs up on one of your training sites and includes custom sign-up fields.
- New Course Enrollment: This is triggered when a user enrolls/registers/purchases one of your courses.
- Course Completion: This is triggered when a user completes your training course.
To get started, first you need to create a Zapier account, choose a Zap trigger, and connect to your Skilljar account. Find full instructions here.