Skill-Jargon: Commonly Used eLearning Terms and What They Mean

Training, LMS

By on November 29, 2016 | 2 minute read 648


Until I began working at Skilljar, I had never been exposed to the LMS and training software industry. I learned quickly that there were dozens of commonly used acronyms and words in this field that I didn’t know. This post is for those of you who have found yourselves frequently having to Google definitions of terms on your journey to finding an LMS. Below is a list of some of the terminology that you will need to know as you learn more about Skilljar and its services.

Technology/Software Terms:

  • LMS: LMS stands for Learning Management System. An LMS (such as Skilljar) is an online software platform that will deliver, manage, track, and generate reports for online training courses.

  • SaaS: SaaS stands for Software as a Service. These tend to be subscription services with annual renewal cycles.

  • SCORM: SCORM stands for Sharable Content Object Reference Model. SCORM is a collection of standards and criterion for eLearning technology that allow eLearning content to easily be hosted and tracked across platforms or LMSs.

Training Terms:

  • eLearning: short for electronic learning, eLearning is education delivered over an electronic device (smartphone, tablet, or computer).

  • Virtual Learning Environment: the digital version of an educational experience. Instead of taking place in a physical classroom, lessons, discussions, and assessments are completed online.

  • Webinar: a webinar is a live broadcast (video, audio, blog, etc.) that allows participants to interact online. In an eLearning environment, a webinar may be a course in which the instructor streams a video lecture live and virtual participants can chat with their peers and the instructor in real time about the topics being covered.

  • Instructional Design: Instructional design is the process of identifying a need or a gap of knowledge in a target audience and custom-designing learning experiences that are meant to close that gap.

  • Gamification: gamification is the process of turning your eLearning content into a game-like experience. This can include trainees passing different “levels” and even offering "prizes" for completing a certain course.

Other Terms to Know:

  • Extended Enterprise: a company’s extended enterprise is the external groups (such as customers, advertising agencies, competitors, or shareholders) that make up the company’s network. Anybody connected to the company who is not an employee is considered extended enterprise.

  • Customer Onboarding: customer onboarding is the process of training your customers on how to use your product.

Have we forgotten anything? Let us know in the comments!

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