FocusOn Learning - A Conference True to Its Name

Training, Instructional Design, Creating Content, Webinars & Events

By on June 29, 2017 | 2 minute read 467


Mobile, Video, Games - it almost sounds like a list of trends in on-demand training, but to those of us who attended the FocusOn Learning Conference, these were much deeper than surface-level trends. The conference was hosted by the eLearning Guild, and was bursting with enthusiastic training professionals looking to learn new ideas, evolve their strategies and experiment with different content mediums. Attendees ranged from instructional designers to directors and VPs of Learning and Development, with the majority serving internal audiences.

The name of the conference perfectly represented what we’d spend three days doing in San Diego. Everything from the keynotes, to the breakout sessions, to informal discussions over breakfast focused on learning. I chose to spend most of my time learning more about video production, and opted into sessions within that concentration. 

I was amazed at the high-quality video productions presenters were able to create, many without a background or formal education in video, and most with minimal resources. Presenters shared design tips and their experiences using different types of microphones, cameras and editing software. I learned about new tools I could use to increase the quality of my videos and tips and tricks about lighting and other tools of the trade.

I travelled to the conference primarily to present a session on creating video software tutorials, but was also able to spend some time sharing ideas with other professionals working on training for external audiences. I was particularly interested in learning how other companies are using data to demonstrate the value of training on greater business goals. As the number of companies providing training to customers continues to grow, it will be interesting to see how the organizations that support learning and development accommodate the unique needs of this population.


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