Upcoming Webinar with TechSmith: Building a Customer Learning Destination with Video

Instructional Design, Marketing, Webinars & Events

By on November 27, 2018 | 1 minute read 347

Check out the details for our upcoming webinar with TechSmith about TechSmith Academy and Camtasia Certification programs. 

How to Use Customer Training to Build a Community of Industry Experts Techsmith Webinar (1)Video is considered a rising star in the world of customer training, so it’s no surprise that its application goes far beyond simple point and click tutorials. TechSmith is using a video-based strategy to create a learning destination for their customers and the community of video creators at large. TechSmith Academy draws in thousands of learners and focuses on thought leadership and sharing industry best practices that reach far beyond product training.

In this webinar, Matt Pierce, Learning and Video Ambassador at TechSmith, will walk you through how he built TechSmith’s training programs. He’ll showcase how TechSmith Academy and Camtasia Certification have become a destination for video learning, and a prime example of how training and marketing can work together to drive business impact.

You’ll learn:

  • How to approach building a training program that focuses on marketing your product offerings
  • Lessons learned from building a video-based curriculum
  • How product certification drives market differentiation

Webinar date: Wednesday, December 5th, 2018, 11am Pacific

Register for the webinar here. Can't make it? We'll send you the recording after the event. 

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