Upcoming Webinar with TechSmith: Building a Customer Learning Destination with Video

Check out the details for our upcoming webinar with TechSmith about TechSmith Academy and Camtasia Certification programs. 

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Topics: Instructional Design, Marketing, Webinars & Events

Creating a Holistic Training Ecosystem

 We recently released our latest eBook, "How to Market Customer Training," where we discussed some tips and tricks for keeping your training at the top of learners' minds. So far we've discussed email marketing and promoting through social and paid channels. In this post, we'll discuss the importance of creating a holistic training experience.

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Topics: Marketing

Promoting Training Through Social or Paid Channels

We recently released our latest eBook, "How to Market Customer Training," where we discussed some tips and tricks for keeping your training at the top of learners' minds. So far we've discussed email marketing. This post is all about using social and paid channels to promote your training.

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Topics: Marketing

Using Email to Drive Course Completions

We recently released our latest eBook, "How to Market Customer Training," where we discussed some tips and tricks for keeping your training at the top of learners' minds. This post is going over the first marketing tactic, email marketing.

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Topics: Marketing

How to Use Email to Market Your Training

So, you’ve taken the time to create compelling eLearning content. Why, then, are you still seeing such low course enrollment and completion rates?

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Topics: Training, Marketing

How To Market Your Training

Just like any other product, training courses require compelling marketing in order to reach their key audience and accomplish their intended purpose. It can be difficult to convince people to take time out of their day to participate in a training course, especially if it isn't mandatory and/or free. Here are our top 3 tips on how to effectively market your online training courses to reach your target audience.

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Topics: Training, Marketing

What Is Customer Marketing?

In our eBook released last month, we covered the typical roles you'd find on a Customer Success Team and why they're important. In this post, we'll specifically discuss Customer Marketing and the role it plays post-sale.

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Topics: Training, Marketing, Customer Success

How BECU Uses Online Training as Lead Generation

Content marketers are entrusted with the responsibility of educating potential and existing customers with valuable resources related to their industry, but the content marketing toolbox hasn’t changed in recent years— eBooks, webinars, blogs, and videos.

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Topics: Training, Marketing

[New eBook] How to Use Online Training for Lead Generation

At Skilljar, we're seeing many innovative companies successfully use online training for lead generation. While training and education have historically been reserved for post-purchase customers, more and more marketers are experimenting with using on-demand training as part of their content marketing toolbox to attract new leads.

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Topics: Training, Marketing, Advanced Topics

Who Should Own Customer Marketing?

In a poll of enterprise contact centers by Deloitte, 82% view the customer experience as a competitive differentiator. But who in the organization is responsible for this customer experience? This topic has been one of much internal debate here at Skilljar, and we often have customers ask us what we recommend as they think through their organizational structure. Training and education is a function that spans all stages of the customer lifecycle, so determining who owns communication to customers is crucial to ensure a seamless customer experience if the responsibility transfers hands internally.

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Topics: Training, Marketing, Customer Success

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