5 Tips to Boost Participation In Your eLearning Course


Picture this: You are a training manager, and you have been working for months creating a comprehensive customer onboarding course online. After one month of your course being active, your analytics report shows that about half of the customers are dropping out of the training after the third module. Why are they leaving before the training is complete? Have they lost interest in your product, or just your online course?

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Topics: Instructional Design, LMS, Creating Content

5 Tips for Making Awesome Video Training

With the rise of video learning, more and more training professionals are looking to jump in and try creating videos for their own courses. Video content ranges from simple software tutorials to advanced lectures with complex concepts, and they're published with various amounts of editing and production. Instructional designers who are new to video ask for tips and tricks all the time, so I’ve compiled a few of them that can help elevate your video content and make the creation process much easier.

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Topics: Instructional Design, Creating Content

What Is An Instructional Designer?

Earlier this month we released our new eBook "How to Build a Customer Training Team." We covered common roles found on training teams and why each one is important.

In this post, we'll specifically discuss the Instructional Designer role and why your team may need one.

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Topics: Training, Instructional Design

5 SCORM Settings You Forgot to Change

The benefits of publishing a SCORM package are numerous, but at the end of the day, our goal is one thing: communicate a learner’s interaction with the course content - how long they spent in it, the answers they selected on a quiz, or whether or not they’ve completed the course. The SCORM package “talks” to the learning management system (LMS) and tells it the information we want to know.*

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Topics: Training, Instructional Design, LMS, Creating Content, Course Management, Advanced Topics

Using Agile for Developing Training Content

Agile is an organizational process successfully used by many software development teams around the world. Many training teams are looking at using agile principles for developing learning content, but the industry has been generally slow to adopt this methodology. Why? Read on to learn more!

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Topics: Training, Instructional Design, LMS, Creating Content

How to Budget for Outsourced eLearning Content

In addition to finding an online training platform like Skilljar, companies frequently need to outsource some or all of their eLearning content creation. In this article, we describe general expectations for your content budget, based on different scenarios for outsourcing eLearning development.

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Topics: Instructional Design, Creating Content

3 Ways to Increase Training Adoption for Customer Success

For training managers who help SaaS customers with initial onboarding and ongoing customer success, it's often a challenge to provide training that's both scalable and engaging. SaaS customer training is frequently delivered on-demand, so that customers around the world have the benefit of immediate 24/7 access, without the need to schedule an instructor-led session. However, getting customers to register for and complete training on their own presents an ongoing challenge.

How can SaaS training managers increase engagement with self-paced courses? By making the experience as seamless as possible. Here are 3 ways to increase training adoption for customer success.

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Topics: Training, Instructional Design

4 Ways to Increase Your Training ROI

Today we're taking a look at success. How do you define success as a training manager? Every company has their own unique training objectives, so success may look a little different depending on those goals. Increasing your training ROI, however, is a universal goal that can impact the overall success of your company. 

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Topics: Training, Instructional Design

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