We're excited to announce our new feature where you can manually add or remove attendees of your live training events straight from the Skilljar dashboard!
Do you sell your training courses? If so, you may be interested in using Promo Codes to discount the price for your customers. Using Skilljar's Bulk Promo Code tool, you can create many codes for a single training course, or a single code for many courses. Read on!
We're excited to announce an update to our Skilljar Zapier triggers! With Skilljar Zapier triggers, you can now track a student's entire training life cycle from sign-up to course enrollment and course completion.
Topics: Features, Training, LMS, Analytics & Metrics
Are you using certificates for your training courses? If not, we wanted to remind you of all the ways you can customize your training course certificate on Skilljar!
Create your desired user experience by customizing the access to your online training course catalog. Choose to give users indefinite access, a set amount of time, or an expiration date for when they are able to view your training courses. Use our advanced Access Code settings to create different experiences for your different users.
Topics: Features
You can now customize your course catalog header using HTML. With this feature you can add images, adjust your font, make announcements to your customers, and use this space to your full advantage!
Topics: Features
We are excited to announce our new Live Training feature! Live Training gives instructors the ability to schedule and track live training events - such as classroom trainings, virtual remote trainings, group meetings, and more.
Topics: Features, Training, LMS, Live Training
When creating a training, you should always keep your audience in mind.
Do you want to allow any and everyone to see what you offer in your catalog? What about only those who sign up first? Or even more secure, how about only users who have an access code? We now offer three levels of access settings to choose for your domain.
Topics: Features
We are excited to announce our newest feature! By popular request, we have added the option for instructors to update their certificate's design by uploading their own background image.
Topics: Features