FocusOn Learning - A Conference True to Its Name

Mobile, Video, Games - it almost sounds like a list of trends in on-demand training, but to those of us who attended the FocusOn Learning Conference, these were much deeper than surface-level trends. The conference was hosted by the eLearning Guild, and was bursting with enthusiastic training professionals looking to learn new ideas, evolve their strategies and experiment with different content mediums. Attendees ranged from instructional designers to directors and VPs of Learning and Development, with the majority serving internal audiences.

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Topics: Training, Instructional Design, Creating Content, Webinars & Events

Content Planning Map: A Template for Training Teams

Training content too often focuses on features and delivers a disjointed experience that doesn’t result in knowledge retention. Rather than looking at small tasks, we recommend focusing training content on goals that you want your students to achieve.

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Topics: Creating Content

The Science of eLearning

I recently came across the article “Your Brain on Learning,” published on the Chief Learning Officer website, and thought it presented a unique and interesting perspective on elearning. In the training industry, we often talk about elearning within the context of trends and data that claim to know what learners want, while we leave out analyses of the biochemical systems that initiate the learning process in the first place.

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Topics: Training, Instructional Design, Creating Content

The Gamification Dilemma

Instructional designers have one overarching goal: to create training that is engaging, interesting, and keeps learners coming back for more. Every decision they make is driven by the desire to create compelling content. And in the past few years, the training industry has been whispering about the latest buzzword: gamification. 

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Topics: Instructional Design, Creating Content

Key Takeaways from the Learning Solutions Conference and Expo

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend eLearning Guild's Learning Solutions Conference and Expo in Orlando. Session topics ranged from program design and project management to technology, content creation techniques, course development, and data and analytics. There was an equally large variety of professionals at the conference, from Instructional Designers, to Training Managers and Directors, to LMS admins.

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Topics: Training, Instructional Design, Creating Content, Webinars & Events

Key Takeaways from the ATP Innovations in Testing Conference

Last week, over 1000 assessment industry professionals from practice areas such as Certification/Licensure, Clinical, Educational, Industrial/Organizational and Workforce Skills Credentialing descended on Scottsdale, Arizona to attend the Innovations in Testing Conference presented by the Association of Testing Professionals. The conference was packed with professionals who deal with testing and certification in a variety of industries, and I had the opportunity to meet and mingle, as well as learn about the issues facing the industry.

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Topics: Training, Instructional Design, Creating Content, Webinars & Events

3 Questions to Ask Before Building Your Customer Training Program

Many organizations are well aware of the benefits of customer training. And yet, they may still struggle to implement an effective program. Why is that? 

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Topics: Training, Creating Content

Customizing Content for Internal Satisfaction

In a recent survey, 45% of workers reported current training offerings aren’t relevant to employees’ daily responsibilities (source: Chief Learning Officer). Why is that? And more importantly, how can you address this issue within your organization?

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Topics: Training, Creating Content

Creating a Customer Training Strategy: Pricing and Packaging

We recently released a new eBook, How to Create a Customer Training Strategy, and in the past couple of weeks we've given you a few glimpses at what's inside. So far we've discussed Why Your Organization Needs a Customer Training Strategy and Creating a Customer Training Strategy: Objectives. Today's post will be covering how to strategize the pricing and packaging of your training.

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Topics: Training, Creating Content

2017 Trends in eLearning

The eLearning industry is changing as organizations adapt to meet the needs of new students with new expectations. Today, most learners are looking for more than a passive experience; they want to be fully engaged in their training.

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Topics: Training, Creating Content

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