Training Tips with Erynn Baird, Opal 

In this edition of our Training Tips series, we asked Erynn Baird, Education Manager at Opal to share her insights and tips about how they train customers.

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Topics: Training, Customer Success, Training Tips

Training Tips with Sarah Bedrick, HubSpot (Part 2)

In last month's Training Tips series, we asked Sarah Bedrick, founding team member of HubSpot Academy and their former Certifications Program Manager, to share some of her insights and tips about how they trained customers on the HubSpot Academy team. Continue reading to see her answers to two more questions!

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Topics: Training, Customer Success, Training Tips

Your Guide to the 2018 Customer Success and Training Conferences

With so many events in 2018, it can be difficult to figure out which conferences are the right ones for you and your team. If you are looking for the best customer success, customer training, and customer marketing conferences of 2018, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s a handy guide to the upcoming events.

We’ll keep this list updated as we learn more. The TBD events are based on the month that they were held in 2017, but no 2018 conference dates have been released yet. If you know of an event that is not on this list, please let us know in the comments!

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Topics: Training, Customer Success, Webinars & Events

Training Tips with Sarah Bedrick, HubSpot (Part 1)

In this edition of our Training Tips series, we asked Sarah Bedrick, founding team member of HubSpot Academy and their former Certifications Program Manager, to share her insights and tips about how they trained customers on the HubSpot Academy team.

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Topics: Training, Customer Success, Training Tips

Podcast Recap: Customer Training Best Practices & Quick Wins

A few weeks ago, Skilljar’s very own Linda Schwaber-Cohen was interviewed by Receptive’s Aly Mahan for an episode of Churn It Up. In the podcast, Linda shares her approach to new customer training and onboarding. You can listen to the podcast recording here.

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Topics: Training, Customer Success

My Customer Training Nightmare

In this special Halloween edition of our Training Tips series, we asked Karen Crawford, Knowledge Services, Training & Delivery Manager at Kinaxis, what keeps her up at night. 

You know that nightmare everyone has? You’re about to write an exam and you realize you’ve forgotten everything you knew about the subject? And you wake up in a cold sweat? That keeps me up at night. Except, I’m thinking about my customers who took a training course and have that feeling when they go to apply that learning two or three months later. And they only remember half of it.

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Topics: Training, Customer Success, Training Tips

How to Build a Killer Customer Success Program

Earlier this year, we hosted a webinar outlining the key factors for SaaS companies to consider when building a customer onboarding program.

Today, we’re taking a step back to explore another critical milestone: building a customer success (CS) program. We’ve broken the process down into two distinct parts that we hope will provide a strong foundation for other SaaS companies looking to develop or elevate their existing CS programs. 

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Topics: Customer Success

Training Tips with Dave Derington, Gainsight

In this edition of our Training Tips series, we asked Dave Derington, Gainsight's former Manager of Educational Services, to share his insights and tips about training customers!

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Topics: Training, Customer Success, Training Tips

How Customer Training Fits Into the Sales Enablement Ecosystem

By: Cory Bray

In this guest post, Cory Bray talks about how he sees customer training fitting into the Sales Enablement Ecosystem, a framework that he and Hilmon Sorey outlined in their book, The Sales Enablement Playbook.

Most software companies pride themselves on making products that are easy to use. While most modern technologies incorporate a user experience that’s superior to those of past generations, that doesn't mean anyone can pick up a product with no guidance and be successful.

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Topics: Training, Customer Success

Announcing Your Guide to the B2B Customer Enablement Landscape

Customer enablement is a fast-growing function within B2B organizations. In fact, today’s customers expect their vendors to help them achieve business success, not just sell them a product. With the rise of the SaaS business model, customers can switch products much more easily than in the past, and vendors must now continuously earn their subscription renewals and expansions. For this reason, B2B companies must now provide a differentiated and effective customer success experience, or suffer the consequences of poor product adoption and ultimately churn.

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Topics: Training, Customer Success

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