[Webinar] Customer Education Meets Customer Success

In this webinar, John Leh, CEO and Lead Analyst at Talented Learning, and Sandi Lin, CEO and Co-Founder at Skilljar, explained why and how your organization can realize powerful results by combining the power of a modern customer-focused learning platform with Salesforce. In this dynamic one-hour session you’ll learn all the essentials:

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Topics: LMS, Analytics & Metrics, Customer Success, Integrations, Webinars & Events

Internal & External Training Defined

According to Talented Learning, more than 700 Learning Management System (LMS) vendors compete in today’s learning platforms marketplace. But of course, not all platforms are created equal. Before investing in an LMS, it’s important to understand which type of tool would be a good fit for your use case.

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Topics: Training, LMS, Advanced Topics

Increasing Operational Efficiency With Customer Education

When you're looking for an LMS for customer training, maybe you start with simple goals around scaling your program, but once implemented, it's easy to see how a solid customer education program increases operational efficiency, drives revenue and product adoption, and helps raise brand awareness.

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Topics: Training, LMS, Analytics & Metrics, Customer Success, Integrations

[Webinar Recap] Adapting Customer Onboarding for an On-Demand World

Customer education teams can no longer rely solely on webinars and help centers. The fact is, most people want to learn about your product when it’s convenient for them. They don’t want to be forced to wait until your next scheduled training session, or waste time searching for answers they can’t find. So, how can you reach the right users at the right time?

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Topics: LMS, Analytics & Metrics

Skilljar Receives “Best Customer LMS” in the 2017 Talented Learning LMS Awards

SEATTLE - Skilljar, a cloud-based learning management system (LMS) platform for enterprises and their customers, announced today that it has been named the “Best Customer LMS” in the 2017 Talented Learning LMS Awards.

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Topics: Training, LMS, Skilljar News & Press

Customer Training Predictions for 2018

Another year has come and gone. Now, it’s time to plan for 2018. Of course, you can (and should) base your strategy on the status of your own customer training program. But if you want to stay ahead of the curve, you also need to understand industry-wide trends. That’s where we come in.

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Topics: Training, LMS

Skilljar Wins Third Consecutive Brandon Hall Award - Best Advance in Learning Management Technology for External Training

SEATTLE - Skilljar, a cloud-based Learning Management System (LMS) for enterprises and their customers, announced today that for the third year in a row, Brandon Hall Group has awarded them Silver for excellence in the “Best Advance in Learning Management Technology for External Training” category.

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Topics: Training, LMS, Skilljar News & Press

Your Customer Training RFP: a Template for LMS Selection

You understand the value of customer training, and are ready to invest in a learning management system (LMS). Now, how do do you find the right fit?  

After conducting some initial research, you may want to submit a request for proposal (RFP). In this blog post, we’ll outline what an RFP is, why they’re beneficial, and how this template can help you choose an LMS that meets your team’s specific training needs.

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Topics: LMS

[Webinar] The Art & Science of Effective Customer Onboarding

Customer onboarding is both an art and a science. To succeed, you need to find the right balance between a creative content strategy and a data-driven approach.

Rely too much on the right side of your brain, and you may be in danger of providing customers with safe, but stale messaging. Lean too far left, and how will you ever know the true impact of your program?

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Topics: LMS, Analytics & Metrics

How to Convince Your CFO to Buy an LMS

It's become increasingly clear that training is critical to drive customer success and build on the lifetime value (LTV) of customers. And there are a number of tools that can help companies provide the right education to the right users. But of course, these tools are not often free.

Training professionals may understand why it makes sense to invest in this area. However, it’s not always easy to get other stakeholders on board. If you want your CFO to approve investing real dollars in yet another software tool, you need to build an effective business case.

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Topics: LMS, Analytics & Metrics

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