We love launching new dashboard functionality, and are very excited about our new Upload tool for the Live Training feature! With this feature you can: bulk add users to a live event, bulk mark them as having attended, and download your Live Training roster.
Molly Barber
Recent Posts
We've been adding lots of new functionality to our Live Training feature, and we're excited to announce the newset addition - the ability to list your live training events on your course detail page!
Topics: Live Training
We love announcing new integrations and are especially excited to offer a way to connect your Skilljar training site with remote proctored exams through Innovative Exams!
Topics: LMS
We've improved our Analytics pages by making them faster and adding more information, see below!
Topics: Training, Analytics & Metrics
We're excited to announce our new feature where you can manually add or remove attendees of your live training events straight from the Skilljar dashboard!
Topics: Features, Live Training
Do you sell your training courses? If so, you may be interested in using Promo Codes to discount the price for your customers. Using Skilljar's Bulk Promo Code tool, you can create many codes for a single training course, or a single code for many courses. Read on!
We're excited to announce an update to our Skilljar Zapier triggers! With Skilljar Zapier triggers, you can now track a student's entire training life cycle from sign-up to course enrollment and course completion.
Topics: Features, Training, LMS, Analytics & Metrics
We're excited to add a new functionality to our Live Training feature! Now, when a user registers for one of your live training events, they will receive an email confirmation that includes the event information so they can easily add it to their personal calendar, keep track of their schedule, and attend your lesson.
Topics: Training, LMS, Live Training
I'm excited to announce our new Analytics feature that allows you to see a comprehensive list of your users' enrollments, including their: name, email, domain registrations, courses, credits, certificates, sign-up fields and more!
Topics: Training, Analytics & Metrics