[New eBook] How to Choose Between On-Demand and Instructor-Led Training

Many companies provide training services to help their customers and partners successfully adopt their product. According to Salesforce, customers who invest in training consistently report >80% higher ROI on their Salesforce investment.¹

A critical path decision for companies offering training and education services is whether to offer on-demand training, instructor-led training, or both. Each has its pros and cons, and will have different success rates depending on your organization's needs.

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Topics: Training, Customer Success, Advanced Topics

How to Measure Customer Health Using Training Data

Customer success organizations are chartered with the mission-critical task of making customers successful. Seems simple enough, right? But achieving long-term, consistent customer success can be anything but. Far too often customer success organizations are unsure of the health of their customers and what they can do to improve the customer experience.  

I’d like to argue that a key factor in determining customer success begins with effective customer training. Unfortunately, customer training is probably one of the most ad-hoc functions in the organization and is often untracked and/or immeasurable.  

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Topics: Training, Analytics & Metrics, Customer Success, Advanced Topics

[New eBook] How to Use Online Training for Lead Generation

At Skilljar, we're seeing many innovative companies successfully use online training for lead generation. While training and education have historically been reserved for post-purchase customers, more and more marketers are experimenting with using on-demand training as part of their content marketing toolbox to attract new leads.

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Topics: Training, Marketing, Advanced Topics

5 SCORM Settings You Forgot to Change

The benefits of publishing a SCORM package are numerous, but at the end of the day, our goal is one thing: communicate a learner’s interaction with the course content - how long they spent in it, the answers they selected on a quiz, or whether or not they’ve completed the course. The SCORM package “talks” to the learning management system (LMS) and tells it the information we want to know.*

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Topics: Training, Instructional Design, LMS, Creating Content, Course Management, Advanced Topics

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