Want to create an onboarding experience that sets your customers up for success? It’s not enough to simply send a welcome email and leave users to their own devices. To improve customer retention and engagement, you need a sophisticated onboarding program backed with relevant metrics and a clear path to value.
Topics: Webinars & Events
In this webinar, John Leh, CEO and Lead Analyst at Talented Learning, and Sandi Lin, CEO and Co-Founder at Skilljar, explained why and how your organization can realize powerful results by combining the power of a modern customer-focused learning platform with Salesforce. In this dynamic one-hour session you’ll learn all the essentials:
Topics: LMS, Analytics & Metrics, Customer Success, Integrations, Webinars & Events
With so many events in 2018, it can be difficult to figure out which conferences are the right ones for you and your team. If you are looking for the best customer success, customer training, and customer marketing conferences of 2018, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s a handy guide to the upcoming events.
We’ll keep this list updated as we learn more. The TBD events are based on the month that they were held in 2017, but no 2018 conference dates have been released yet. If you know of an event that is not on this list, please let us know in the comments!
Topics: Training, Customer Success, Webinars & Events
*This post was updated on 11/16/17.
We analyzed data collected over multiple years of delivering best-in-class training experiences to provide insight into how customer training teams are educating their users today.
On Thursday, November 16th, Linda Schwaber-Cohen, Head of Training at Skilljar, and Matt Buchan, Skilljar's Director of Finance, presented our findings to help you understand the state of your training program and develop best practices around content creation.
Topics: Training, Webinars & Events
*This post was updated on 11/27/2017
In our recent webinar with Training Industry, Sandi Lin, Skilljar’s founder and CEO and Linda Schwaber-Cohen, Head of Training at Skilljar, shared some best practices in data-driven customer training strategies. In case you missed it, there’s a recording of the full webinar here.
Topics: Training, Webinars & Events
*This post was updated on 9/19/2017.
It’s that time of year again...summer is winding down, which means students and teachers need to prep for the busy months of learning ahead. The same is true for customer training teams.
Topics: Training, Webinars & Events
Mobile, Video, Games - it almost sounds like a list of trends in on-demand training, but to those of us who attended the FocusOn Learning Conference, these were much deeper than surface-level trends. The conference was hosted by the eLearning Guild, and was bursting with enthusiastic training professionals looking to learn new ideas, evolve their strategies and experiment with different content mediums. Attendees ranged from instructional designers to directors and VPs of Learning and Development, with the majority serving internal audiences.
Topics: Training, Instructional Design, Creating Content, Webinars & Events
*This post was updated on 7/17/2017.
Does your executive team understand the value of your customer training program? If not, advocating for additional resources will be a lost cause.
Topics: Training, Webinars & Events
Each year, managers and senior leadership in training organizations at technology companies come together to learn from each other and share ideas. They do this thanks to CEdMA, the Computer Education Management Association. I had the pleasure of attending the first day of this year’s CEdMA Training Leadership Conference in Santa Clara, California, where Skilljar was a sponsor.
Topics: Training, Customer Success, Webinars & Events
This post was updated on 6/14/17.
If you’ve launched a successful training program, that’s certainly reason to celebrate. But remember, customer training is not designed to be static; there’s always room for more growth.
Topics: Training, Webinars & Events