We recently released the eBook "Creating Engaging Training for a Millennial Audience," where we discussed the three main cultural forces that have impacted millennial learning trends. Today's post is about the first cultural factor: the internet.
Erynn Williams
Recent Posts
In this edition of our Ask a CSM series, we're chatting with Erin Phelps, Senior Manager of Customer Success and Retention at Cvent.
Topics: Customer Success, Ask a CSM
I recently came across the article “Your Brain on Learning,” published on the Chief Learning Officer website, and thought it presented a unique and interesting perspective on elearning. In the training industry, we often talk about elearning within the context of trends and data that claim to know what learners want, while we leave out analyses of the biochemical systems that initiate the learning process in the first place.
Topics: Training, Instructional Design, Creating Content
Skilljar’s Training Manager, Linda Schwaber-Cohen, had the opportunity to write an article for Training Industry Magazine titled “How to Create Learning Pathways That Scale.” We wanted to take a moment to share some of her insights and easy steps for creating clear paths for success! The article was originally published here.
Topics: Instructional Design, Course Management, Customer Success
We are very excited to welcome Joel Bauer to the Skilljar team as a Sales Development Rep!
Joel is in charge of going after new logos. Working alongside the marketing and sales teams, he qualifies new opportunities that can develop into successful Skilljar clients. He thinks of himself as a hype-man guiding the process of prospect to future customers, and he's off to a fast start contributing to our pipeline.
Welcome Joel!
Topics: Skilljar News & Press, Meet Skilljar
This post was updated on 6/14/17.
If you’ve launched a successful training program, that’s certainly reason to celebrate. But remember, customer training is not designed to be static; there’s always room for more growth.
Topics: Training, Webinars & Events
We recently released our latest eBook, "How to Market Customer Training," where we discussed some tips and tricks for keeping your training at the top of learners' minds. So far we've discussed email marketing and promoting through social and paid channels. In this post, we'll discuss the importance of creating a holistic training experience.
Topics: Marketing
We recently released our latest eBook, "How to Market Customer Training," where we discussed some tips and tricks for keeping your training at the top of learners' minds. So far we've discussed email marketing. This post is all about using social and paid channels to promote your training.
Topics: Marketing
We recently released our latest eBook, "How to Market Customer Training," where we discussed some tips and tricks for keeping your training at the top of learners' minds. This post is going over the first marketing tactic, email marketing.
Topics: Marketing
In this week's edition of our Training Tips series, we asked Training, Marketing, and Customer Success Managers to answer the question, "What do you think the most effective type of training is and why?"
Topics: Training, Customer Success, Training Tips