Rachel Martinez
As Content Marketing Manager, Rachel spends her days building out Skilljar's editorial calendar, dreaming up both short-form and long-form content for effective lead generation.
In this edition of our Training Tips series, we asked Sarah Bedrick, founding team member of HubSpot Academy and their former Certifications Program Manager, to share her insights and tips about how they trained customers on the HubSpot Academy team.
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Customer Success,
Training Tips
Looking to implement a learning management system (LMS), but not sure where to start? You’re not alone. If you haven’t been through this process before, it can be overwhelming to think about the number of tasks your team needs to accomplish before you can launch.
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We recently released the eBook "How to Align Customer Training With Certifications," where we discussed how training professionals have merged learning and certifications at their companies. Today's post is about the benefits of doing so.
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If you’re in the eLearning industry, you’ve probably heard the recent buzz around xAPI (sometimes referred to as Experience API or Tin Can). According to Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL), it lets applications share data about human performance, including quiz scores, performance in a mobile app, and whether someone has read an article or watched a training video.
That may sound better than using SCORM files, but is it really worth the hype?
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Analytics & Metrics
If you're struggling with delivering a cohesive customer training certification program, you're not alone. From strategy to systems to job functions, it's time for us to reassess how learning and certifications are delivered together.
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Advanced Topics
In this special Halloween edition of our Training Tips series, we asked Karen Crawford, Knowledge Services, Training & Delivery Manager at Kinaxis, what keeps her up at night.
You know that nightmare everyone has? You’re about to write an exam and you realize you’ve forgotten everything you knew about the subject? And you wake up in a cold sweat? That keeps me up at night. Except, I’m thinking about my customers who took a training course and have that feeling when they go to apply that learning two or three months later. And they only remember half of it.
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Customer Success,
Training Tips
*This post was updated on 11/16/17.
We analyzed data collected over multiple years of delivering best-in-class training experiences to provide insight into how customer training teams are educating their users today.
On Thursday, November 16th, Linda Schwaber-Cohen, Head of Training at Skilljar, and Matt Buchan, Skilljar's Director of Finance, presented our findings to help you understand the state of your training program and develop best practices around content creation.
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Webinars & Events
We recently released the eBook "3 Ways to Create a Best in Class Customer Training Plan," where we discussed the impact the GET Methodology can have on your overall training plan. Today's post is about how to improve your program through effective customer education strategies.
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Instructional Design,
Creating Content
There’s a lot to think about as you build your customer training strategy, and the process can be overwhelming, if you don’t have a set plan from the start. This template can help.
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Creating Content
Today's customer training teams are raising the bar and publishing content that continues to drive high course completion rates. With this in mind, what are the new baseline metrics for success?
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Advanced Topics